Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

That’s gotta hurt

November 1, 2007

Halloween photos of the two jaguar boys will be posted by Lisa shortly.

Last night we went to a small party at a friend’s apartment where the kids did a kind of hybridized Halloween Easter-egg-style candy hunt. They had fun. On the way home, Rollo, perhaps drunk on lollipops and chocolate bars, tripped and went flying into the corner of a sharp-edged wall. His hip was bruised pretty badly, so much so that I thought it was possibly chipped and broken. I no longer think it is, but…poor guy. First he loses his blankie, then this. The swelling has gone down quite a bit today (there was a bump about the size of a walnut) but he was in a lot of pain last night. He stayed home from school today — we were worried he would get banged up in the usual rough and tumble of kiddie play.

In other hip-related news, we’re all wishing Nana well as she undergoes hip replacement surgery today. We love you, Nana!

The paramecia in my stomach say hello

September 14, 2007

Been sick with some stomach thing for the past few days. At first I thought it was food poisoning but it has gone on for too long. I haven’t really eaten since Tuesday (it’s now Friday here).

Unfortunately I’m also extremely busy at work with a deadline tonight for a client who doesn’t know what he wants. I have changed course about 5 times since Tuesday at his request. No rest till Saturday. Then off to Beijing for a conference next week.